I am receiving the error 550 Access denied - Invalid HELO name?

To prevent spams, our servers have pop before auth disabled and requires SMTP authentication before you can send out email.
When attempting to send out email, your email client will need to authenticate first.

Please follow the instructions below:

Microsoft Outlook
  1. From the Menu Bar, Click Tools then Click E-mail Accounts
  2. Select "View or change existing e-mail accounts" then Click "Next"
  3. Select your Email account and click "Change"
  4. Click "More settings"
  5. Select the "Outgoing Server" tab
  6. Select the box beside "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication"
  7. Select "Use same settings as my incoming email server"
  8. Click Ok, Next and then Finish.
  1. From the Menu Bar click Tools, then Account Settings
  2. This will bring up the Account Settings window where you can click on Outgoing Server (SMTP) at the bottom of the list in on the left side of the window.
  3. Now select the  appropriate outgoing server (ours) and click on Edit.
  4. Make sure "Authentication method" is set to "Normal password"
  5. Click OK to close the SMTP edit window and again on the Account Settings window.'
Mac Mail
  1. Within your application click Mail, Preferences, and then Accounts
  2. Where it says Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP), click the drop down arrow and select "Edit SMTP Server List..."
  3. Click the Advanced button and make sure Authentication is set to "Password."
  4. Click OK to close the edit window

  1. Tap on Settings from your main screen
  2. Tap Mail, Contacts, Calendar button
  4. Tap on YOUR EMAIL ACCOUNT again.
  5. Scroll down to the Outgoing Mail Server & Select "SMTP"
  6. Select the mail server listed under the "Primary Server"
  7. Change Authentication to "Password"
  8. Set the hostname as "mail.yourdomain.com" - yourdomain.com being your domain name.
  9. Set the server port to "587"
  10. Use SSL should be swithced "Off"
  11. Set the username to your full e-mail address "eg. [email protected]"
  12. The password to your e-mail address password
  13. Click DONE on your top right hand corner.
  14. Click ACCOUNT on your top left hand corner.
  15. Click DONE on your top right hand corner.

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